Everybody wants to be a Navy Seal until it becomes time to do Navy SEAL stuff. 27. He lured investors by posing as a former secret operative with the Navy, according to court papers. He never spoke once about any disease or injury other than he worked as a bartender most his life after being discharged. Just info to let you know I have personal knowledge. Nearly 700 names have been posted on the ``Wall of Shame' by CyberSEALs, whose members include ex-SEALs and a former Navy wife who once lived in Hampton Roads. Check out this video of one of his latest catches. And there are those who claim to be recipients of the Medal of Honor, the nation's most prestigious military citation. what does a barometer . Im only mentioning this because if someone asked me to list the obstacles I would say, Parallel Bars, Stump Jump, Low Wall, etc. The rating means the ``claimant is `incorrigible' and continues to make claims despite proof that his claims are not supported by government records.'. Its a paid membership site that costs just $10 a month, and will give you access to all of his Phony SEAL Of The Week videos, among many others. 2000 Trident Way ``Even if he legally changed his name, his Social Security number wouldn't change,' said Michael McLellan, deputy public affairs officer for the Navy Personnel Command. Paul Puccillo comes to us from Wheeling, IL. Enrollment is voluntary as there is no comprehensive list of Purple Heart recipients, Similarly, the Hall of Valor project explicitly says, We are in the midst of a multi-year effort to identify recipients of Silver Star and below. He acted like a bad ass to intimidate people. Sometimes people miss the was NOT and lock in on SEAL but i do my best to keep the 2 separate. .. He always used to brag about being like an old school Italian mobster also that would have a wife and girlfriend. Yeah your suspicions are definitely warranted, considering SEAL Team 3 wasnt commissioned until October of 1983. Dude while we celebrate and remember those that gave the ultimate sacrifice you makeup a complete lie, you should be arrested and thrown in jail and fine. You had to get off the parallel bars and jump from log to log on the way to the low wall). If a guy claiming to be a SEAL ever mentions that, you know hes full of it. Related to the above. My class 87 went green, red and then blue for 1st, 2nd and 3rd phase. ASVAB Scores For Air Force Jobs: All 130+ For 2022, How To Choose The Right Military Branch For You, 6 Ways To Check If Someone Was In The Military / Verify Military Service. They were in the Army or Marines and didnt have to go through BUD/S training. Email: [emailprotected]. 518K views 5 years ago Guy poses to be a NAVY SEAL..timelines and story doesn't add up..Comes into Retail Store with Cover on indoors wearing a seal trident on his "uniform" with medals not. Paul would give advice on workouts, on the life of a Navy SEAL, etc Military Phonies was contacted by someone inquiring about Pauls SEAL claims. the past 10 years from people claiming to be Navy SEALs, the *REAL* Navy SEALs decided to strike back. A tow truck soon appeared and removed the Lexus. Note: The author of this post was never a Navy SEAL, and doesnt claim to be. He works at a place called Salsa 17 in Arlington Heights. After my appointment, on the van ride back, I confronted him with a witness present and told him I I didnt believe him, too many red flag inaccuracies. I will follow up on if he repents his evil ways Let's make an official SOA phony list: These are scumbags identified by SOA or friendly, identifiable allies who help us track down phonies and name them to the fucking wall of shame. ``But he didn't come clean,' said Arrowood, who now teaches at Hickory High in Chesapeake. He lied to his family, he lied to many young men looking to become a SEAL. He is not listed in the Navy SEAL database. If a guy claiming to be a SEAL says he was the one who shot Osama Bin Laden, you can rest assured that youre likely talking to a fake. No true operator would diss the other services in public. But for the purposes of this article, if hes claiming he shot UBL, you can be sure its total B.S.. Havent you guys ever seen the movie Under Siege? Instead, they essentially received on the job training. BTW, Don Shipley just verified a guy from the class right before you. He is lying to everyone even his girlfriend, There are a lot of people looking for him who know where he lives snd works now. Contacted by phone recently, Moeller refused to discuss claims he may have made about being a SEAL or a decorated veteran. Poor Paul, he cant make it through American Sniper, not sure why but we certainly hope PTSD isnt causing issues. slander). Ramble on he was screwing the neighbor who had a disabled husband and was easy as walking in the back door while he was sleeping so the comments above are probably true also. 13. If you really want to know for sure, get in touch with Don Shipley. On. 3. the SEALs made several efforts to block an upgrade for Chapman, infuriating the Air Force. No SEAL has ever been taken prisoner of war. On Oct. 25, 1967, President Lyndon Johnson awarded him the Medal of Honor in a White House ceremony. I Was Dishonorably Discharged For Striking An Officer, 6 Other Fake Navy SEAL Claims You May Encounter, 17 Famous Navy SEALs (and 3 Controversial Ones), Navy SEAL Weapons and Gear: 24 Rifles, Handguns, Shotguns, and More. ``He uses this claim for gain at our place of employment,' wrote a co-worker. However, there is NO such thing as a SEAL Team 9. ry wc rh lm cl rn rf mh ok ze et ik cm kr bu ``Was it dishonorable? Capt. Paul doesnt work at little villa anymore. Vendor: National Mustangs. Try as we may to find his records, the United States Navy seems to have no idea who he is. What a pussy he needs his ass kicked by someone anyone that can find him. If someone is claiming that, they are lying to you. All BUD/S students wear helmets throughout their training. (Source), 2. I would never do anything to disgrace my family, my country or my God. There's always something to worry about - do you know what it is? ``I feel lower than whale scum. Paul invites people into the group since, you know he was a former Navy SEAL and all. Heres his site: https://www.extremesealexperience.com/Fake-Navy-Seal-Verification, My Father was a Frogman\ Seal. And, our phase one helmets were red, no helmets at phase 2 (Underwater Swimmers School in Key West), Olive Drab at Ft Benning and any and all training afterwards. Some claim to have been with special operations forces, such as SEALs, Rangers and Green Berets. Isnt he John Allen? From the front doors of the Phil H. Bucklew center, you go through 2 sets of glass doors to the BUD/S grinder. They have a "wall of shame" webpage and you can now research someone's claim with a minimum of fuss, muss, and bother. He can tell you with 100% certainty whether or not the dudes a SEAL. Learn 11 ways to spot a fake Navy SEAL, as well as how to verify legit SEALs. When a Scandinavian businessman demanded that Nolan pay a $63,000 debt, Nolan told the businessman he had been a member of the special forces with the U.S. military, according to testimony by an FBI agent who investigated Nolan. But there was something fishy about the guy. Paul Puccillo - Fake Navy SEAL, Blog of Shame Navy . Vet. He is originally from Bayamon, Puerto Rico and appears . 3. There is a dog trainer in Brooklyn NY named Charles Henderson who always states he was in BUDs in 1987 Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training Class 146 Special Warfare Yup hes legit. Dirty Name The Tower was rebuilt also but because MCPO was tall, he made the freaking levels higher in between so it was a little harder for us short dudes. Arrowood had been a SEAL. The SEALS came to them and recruited them. You disgraced all who haved served and died for this country. Hes at venutis in Addison. Do the math. Just email him back and tell him youd like a letter of verification. Chuck Newell recruited my buddy Andy Nichols out of FASO Det Jax in the 90s. We hired a contractor, Henry Samuel Breiner, Jr.,to renovate our house in September 2018 because he claimed to be a Navy SEAL, he even had a SEAL tattoo on his forearm. His Afghanistan storys didnt seem like it was something you would tell people. He will be able to verify with 100% accuracy the claims, heres where to get in touch with him: https://videos.extremesealexperience.com/Fake-Navy-Seal-Verification. Again, great article. When Arrowood, a veteran of SEAL teams 1 and 2, posed questions about Ashman's SEAL background, he gave the wrong answers, Arrowood said. ', When Mike Arrowood joined the Western Branch faculty in 1999, Ashman said he was still telling students that he was an ex-SEAL, ``but only to set up an example for kids to look at.'. Ewing was impressed enough with his former sailor to sign as co-guarantor when Nolan leased a new $68,959 Mercedes S320 for his business in 1998, according to court records. 10-4 thanks. 14. Burma Bridge Oddly, neither does anyone else in the Navy SEAL Community. They can tell you whether or not someone even attempted BUD/S, but didnt graduate for one reason or another. Class 51 would have been designated 7101 (1st class of 1971), and so on. . Yeah, I thought of that when I was writing the article, and it crossed my mind again just the other day. ATTN: FOIA Office It was tough finding enough men to join the service during the Vietnam war, and the Navy SEALs were no exception. Cargo Net 7. Paul madea video regarding Memorial Day in 2016. ``I asked him how he got through the hellhole in Hanoi,' Schantag said. Its a contraction of his middle initial (B), and his last name, Allen. He claims he was based in SEAL Team 2 on the West Coast, 10. Might be a family owned place where he bartends. ``I had some students that were very, very marginal,' Ashman said. Yeah you dont need to post his name here. If they didnt cut it, they were booted off the team. But he did not provide the name. Once they pass Hell Week, they are given brown T-Shirts. Kind of tarnishes your accuracy. While the missions SEALs do can (and often are) be classified, the fact that someone was ever a Navy SEAL and/or attended BUD/S does not mean that their information isnt publicly available. He took her to Coronado and was yelling at new recruits. In des plaines. ", Speak to recruitment advertising specialist. Pauly better be ready his dog and pony show is over. Organizations that expose imposters say claims by bogus Rambos with enhanced military resumes have reached epidemic levels. 53 or 54 was a SEAL as he told me? 2. He wont have to worry about any apology letter. Right, which is why I said Not saying with 100% certainty that he isnt what he says he is, but just thought you should be aware. On a related note, did you know that the FBI says there are 1,000 Fake Navy SEALs for every real one? If youve ever been to BUD/S, you know what the bell is. There really isnt anything else you need to do or check otherwise. Anyone who falsely claims to be a SEAL, Green Beret, Ranger or any other serviceman/woman should be held accountable. Class 52 was designated 7102 (the second class of 1971). On top of that, there are no publicly available records of BUD/S classes by year, or rosters for that matter. There was another guy in Naperville who did the same shit he no longer lives in Illinois so if I was Paul be prepared for payback fuck face its coming real soon. Parallel Bars Would like someone to verify someone for me please. Click Here to see what a FOIA is and how to request one, and heres the contact info for WARCOM: Naval Special Warfare Command Not saying with 100% certainty that he isnt what he says he is, but just thought you should be aware. Not sure where he works I am coming back to Chicago in a few weeks and will have a surprise for Mr Poser. SEAL Teams 1, 3, 5, and 7 are based out of Coronado, CA, and SEAL Teams 2, 4, 8, and 10 are based out of Little Creek, VA. Yeah the only way youll be able to get info on that would be to contact the Naval Special Warfare Command (NSWC) in San Diego and do a FOIA request. Theres an epidemic of phony SEALs in this country, and the odds are stacked in my favor that my suggestion is likely right. Thanks for publishing. he actually said id not find him on paper as there are multiple bounties on his head yet he seems to know every detail of SEAL life. There is no record of anyone with Moeller's Social Security number in the military service records database. Do you know when Class 165 graduated? Nearly 700 names have been posted on the ``Wall of Shame'' by CyberSEALs, whose members include ex-SEALs and a former Navy wife who once lived in Hampton Roads. My husband has been having horrible PTSD thinking about theft of Valor and how Henry got a contractor job because of a lie. A lot of this is correct, however in 1972 we wore green t-shirts, not white. Includes all. NAVY SEAL TRAINING PROGRAM - NAVY SEAL BUD/S TRAINING Navy SEAL BUDS Training Program FOLLOW AND LIKE US --> EXTREME SEAL EXPERIENCE 5701 Bar Neck Rd Cambridge, MD 21613 PHONE: 757-572-7203. I really cant believe that someone would lie about something that is easily verified. They are eventually caught and embarrassed. His name was Donald R Ash. ``They started asking questions. More info. Is there a place I could go to see how many Frogmen that my Father knows are still alive? Don Shipley is one of only a handful of SEALs that have access to the SEAL database, which is a listing of every Navy SEAL and UDT since their inception. Was awarded a Purple Heart and Bronze Star. Here are 11 steps / questions to help you get the right answer. Quickly became friends with Paul, but became very skeptical because he was very vague with his service and had no deployment photos. Thanks to these guys that served. I feel very betrayed by Paul for mentoring me on stuff he had no idea about. He declined requests for an interview. All SEALs, regardless of what branch they may have previously served in, go through BUD/S. And all men and women who serve now. Unfortunately, Shipleys Youtube channel was terminated in February of 2019. Id like him to meet some REAL SEALs I know down here in Virginia Beach. Without reliable evidence, you just publicly suggested that Mr. Robert Ray Alexander is likely a lifelong inveterate liar and a fraud. Never would mention his wife and child though. However, Stolen Valour points out he previously claimed to have retired from the USMC in 1985, before any conflicts involving North America ever took place in Afghanistan. Save: $20.00. So he says hes dying from a incurable disease, what a lie, unless being a moron is a disease. Each week he (and sometimes his wife Diane) call up phony Navy SEALs and confront them about their claims. I was going over these comments while recently updating this page, and curiosity got the best of me.So I decided to verify if Robert Ray Alexander was ever a Navy SEAL with Don Shipley (Im a member of his site). Dirtbag wanna be poser there is a million names for this bonesmoker! Went through SERE training in the Philippines back in the 80s, what fun we had (lol)! All of the odd numbered Teams (1, 3, 5, and 7) are based in Coronado, CA. . When i tell friends or folks who ask where i was stationed in the Navy, Ill bring up the spec war community. He regaled some with tales of missions he conducted as a Navy SEAL, of clandestine operations in Central America. June 28, 2005: 19 Americans died including 11 SEALs, 8 Army Night Stalkers August 6, 2011: 38 people died: 30 Americans killed, 22 were Navy personnel, and 17 were SEALs, 7 Afghans, one interpreter and one military canine died. Balance Logs 8. . For these awards, absence of a name should not be considered evidence that an individual did not receive an award. I was a Marine and they transferred me to the SEALs. But Schantag, a former Marine, cares little about the psychological makeup of fake military heroes. Yup no problem. There is a lot more, but most of it is rambling incoherent statements that would only bore you. Paul is asked if he is a Navy SEAL, Im sure each of you can guess his answer because hes a humble man. Low Wall 4. KGO. Search: Isis Killing Video Gore. ``Skip' Moeller, 54, who drove the Chevrolet Cavalier with the Ohio plates, had been telling his war stories long enough, the old vet said. 3-2-21, You failed to mention that SEALs were also trained at Little Creek until August 1971. . Graduate of the U.S. Get a product called Restore and then you don't have to take finish off. My records are only accessible to the POTUS. He used to years back always write I received training at Navy SEALs BUD training school He would kind of infer that he was a SEAL. I am so glad someone caught this imagine the lies he would of continued with hurting people and acting like an actual soldier or hero like the ones that actually serve and are away from their families I dont get pieces of shit like Paul Puccillo the problem is there are many like him out there. Robert Ray Alexander. Others pose as former prisoners of war. He used to say how he deserved to be someone with special treatment for what he said was for being a hero and a seal to the end. Call is the They're everywhere. Like a heat-seeking missile, Shipley pursues these imposters who have stolen the valor of those who have earned it. Some people started making comments and stating they felt he was a BS artist. Robbie has been listed as a fraud and resigned from the VFW. Its 2 sets of parallel bars next to each other, where the person running the course has to shuffle across the bars using their arms. It goes right through the finish down to the wood .All antique deals use it to recolor antiques and all. Dirty Name 11. Nolan's charade unraveled on Nov. 8 when he pleaded guilty in Norfolk federal court to making false statements to federal agents. Halden was born in 1955 so, it's most unlikely that he was a 18 - 20 year old USN Naval Flight Officer / F4 Phantom back-seater flying in the Vietnam War. I myself went to college at the Citadel and was in the Naval Science program in 1977 and many instructors were war vets. One-time CIA operative. Did you ever think about ringing the bell? Very disappointed in paul for doing this, and really wish he didnt fake but you cant truly fix being a POS because habits follow you no matter what. Having 6 kids at the time and a freshly broken femur, I declined. Until October of 1983 resumes have reached epidemic levels, Im sure each of you can his... The West Coast, 10 Bridge Oddly, neither does anyone else in the Naval program. Always something to worry about any apology letter Valor and how Henry got a contractor job because a. With the Navy SEAL stuff the Valor of those who have earned it are stacked my! 5, and it crossed my mind again just the other services in public new.! Anything to disgrace my family, he cant make it through American Sniper, not sure he! 7102 ( the second class of 1971 ) very marginal, ' Schantag said of classes. 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